let go of it because I have worked really hard to make this diet a
routine for our family. From searching the net for the right books to
read to shopping around town for health food stores and learning the
basics of this diet. Bottomline is I didn't see a significant effect
on my son. Though it helped alot on him cutting off on sugarry foods.
We learned alot from this diet and now even if we are off the hook, I
still have the values instilled in my mind. I will always remember to
choose organics for all the items I buy though it's a bit expensive.
Thank you for all the support we got from TACA. We're always a
follower. Though he's not on the diet anymore, we are looking into
another kind of biomedical treatment which I'm not ready to start on
with him. Maybe in a month, I'll have something new to post or share.
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