Friday, June 5, 2009

Sun Peeking Through Our Window

It's been 6 months since we began this biomedical journey for our son. First it was, AIT, then GFCF diet, then DAN! doctor, then yeast free diet for short a period, the B12 shots and supplements. It was amazing how he had made this huge progress everyday. It's surprising how his speech has improved and with just a little time, he was able to make a lot of good eye contacts and meaningful sentence.

The most wonderful moment happened yesterday while I was in the kitchen with my daughter and my son was in the room watching tv. I heard him running towards my direction and he came up to me and gave me a big hug. The most touching moment happened when he said " I wove you!". Oh my God!! I never thought he would actually said that to me without prompting. It was spontaneous and I felt it and I know he meant it. I'm like floating on the clouds!!! Whatever it was that made him said that didn't matter. Hearing those words came out of his mouth was the most wonderful and amazing thing I've ever had during these hard days and nights of searching for answer.

We are on the road to recovery !!

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