Sunday, March 22, 2009

Maria's Italian Kitchen

Today we had dinner with the whole family at MIK. Before I left the house, I had to figure out what I should bring for my son. I realized I didn't cook anything but rice, monggo soup & fish for our lunch. I didn't have any choice but to pack the left overs and bring it with me in the restaurant. When we got there, the first thing he opened was the lunch bag. He found some cassava chips..thank God I brought some chips for him to munch on while waiting. Then it was time for me to pick my food. I glanced through their menu and found gluten free section which includes spicy shrimp and roasted corn risotto. I quickly asked the server if they can make it without having to use any butter, cream & red chilli. She then proceed to ask their kitchen and came back in a minute telling me that they can do it and they cater to some people who have allergic reactions to food. I was released!

Seeing my son looked at us while eating spaghetti & meatballs made him asked for it but I was glad he didn't make a big fuzz about it when I said they're not gluten free. He ended up eating all the shrimps and a little rice on the risotto and drank his HONEST KIDS juice I bought from COSTCO. This juice was the only brand I've seen that has less sugar than the rest in the grocery store and they are free of gluten & casein too. NO HIGH FRUCTOSE!!

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